Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Benefits of Magnetic Therapy

Magnetic wrap therapy is an alternative form of medicine that has been practiced for some time. It started over 4,000 years ago in Egypt and was used by the pharaohs. Evidence is also available that magnetic wrap therapy was used in China, India, Greece and Israel. It involves the use of static magnetic fields. It works by targeting the ailing body part to magnetic static fields produced by the magnets, which have beneficial health effects. The benefits of magnetic wrap therapy include wound healing, increased energy, and pain relief. The idea is this is done by increasing blood flow to the area. This therapy is very safe and if you apply them yourself relatively cheap. If you do go to a practitioner for magnetic wrap therapy the cost will increase proportionately.

Magnetic wraps are available widely to fit the following areas on the body, ankles, arms, knees (an open and closed type), forehead, neck, back and wrist. Magnetic wraps are usually made out of Neoprene and feature Ferrite magnets.

They have Velcro clasp systems for adjustability. Ankle wraps are great for treating sprains and arthritis. You might also want to wear magnetic insoles for these conditions for extra pain relief. Arm wraps can also be used on your calves. They are great for muscle strains. Forehead wraps are used by many for migraine headache and even allergy symptom relief. Knee wraps come in two types open, which has an opening over your knee cap and closed which covers it. These are great for pain from muscle strains and arthritis. Which one you choose is really personal preference. The neck wrap is great for any cervical pain, either from arthritis or something like whiplash. All of these magnetic wraps are very reasonably priced.

When you buy your new magnetic wrap the main thing to remember is when you put it on to make sure there is a snug connection with the skin. This is critical for healing and the blood flow, which will enable the body to start the healing process. This helps with chronic pain, swelling, energy and decreases stress.

When shopping for your magnetic wrap a few things to remember are that the number of magnets and their spacing matters somewhat. The magnets should be at regular intervals but not touching each other. The more magnets there are in the wrap the more effect it will have. There should be a very thin pad between the magnet and the skins surface, no more than 1/4 of an inch.

Scientific studies have proved that they certainly cannot in any way hurt your body and in most cases help.

Copyright 2009

We have a selection of magnetic products including Magnetic Wrap, Magnetic Neck Wrap & much more. Also we provide foot massager, Equine Massage therapy, massage cushion, massage equipment and back massager for use at home in UK.

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Monday, October 12, 2009

Magnetic Therapy Can Treat Many of the Symptoms Associated With Fibromyalgia

What is fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia is a chronic disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain, fatigue, and multiple tender points. "Tender points" refers to tenderness that occurs in precise, localized areas, particularly in the neck, spine, shoulders, and hips. People with this syndrome may also experience sleep disturbances, morning stiffness, irritable bowel syndrome, anxiety, and other symptoms.

Although the cause of fibromyalgia is unknown, researchers have several theories about causes or triggers of the disorder. Some scientists believe that the syndrome may be caused by an injury or trauma. This injury may affect the central nervous system. Fibromyalgia may be associated with changes in muscle metabolism, such as decreased blood flow, causing fatigue and decreased strength. Others believe the syndrome may be triggered by an infectious agent such as a virus in susceptible people, but no such agent has been identified.

Signs and symptoms of fibromyalgia can vary, depending on weather, stress, physical activity or even just the time of day. Different people experience different signs and symptoms, but common signs and symptoms include:

• Widespread pain. Fibromyalgia is characterized by pain in specific areas of your body when pressure is applied. These areas include the back of your head, upper back and neck, upper chest, elbows, hips and knees. The pain generally persists for months at a time and is often accompanied by stiffness.
• Fatigue and sleep disturbances. People with fibromyalgia often wake up tired and un-refreshed even though they seem to get plenty of sleep. Some studies suggest that this problem is the result of a sleep disorder called alpha wave interrupted sleep pattern, a condition in which deep sleep is frequently interrupted by bursts of brain activity similar to wakefulness. So people with fibromyalgia miss the deep restorative stage of sleep (stage 4). Night time muscle spasms in your legs and restless legs syndrome also may be associated with fibromyalgia.
• Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The constipation, diarrhoea, abdominal pain and bloating associated with IBS are common in people with fibromyalgia.
• Chronic headaches and facial pain. Many people who have fibromyalgia also have recurrent tension-type headaches that may be related to tenderness in the neck and shoulders. Facial pain is common, and as many as one-third experience jaw pain - temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction.
• Heightened sensitivity. It's common for people with fibromyalgia to report being sensitive to odours, noises, bright lights, touch and changes in weather.
• Depression. As many as one-third of people with fibromyalgia also experience depression.
• Numbness or tingling sensations in the hands and feet.
• Difficulty concentrating and mood changes.
• Chest pain or pelvic pain.
• Irritable bladder.
• Dry eyes, skin and mouth.
• Painful menstrual periods.
• Dizziness.
• Sensation of swollen hands and feet.

Magnetic therapy treatments for fibromyalgia:

Fibromyalgia sufferers can experience any number of the symptoms listed above, although it is not common to experience all of them at once, it is common to suffer from several at one time, as well as frequent flare ups of the remaining symptoms. This makes fibromyalgia very difficult to treat. The majority of people with fibromyalgia are prescribed medications to deal with all of their different symptoms, this can lead a person taking a very large amount of tablets each day. Many of the tablets will have unwanted, or unhealthy side effects which have to be counteracted with even more medication.

It's no wonder that hundreds of fibromyalgia sufferers are turning to magnetic therapy. Without using any drugs or any side effects healing magnets are proving to be a very efficient way of managing the multiple symptoms of the disease.

The most effective treatment for fibromyalgia would be a combination of magnetic therapy products for natural pain relief:

1. Drinking magnetic water. By using a water wand or magnetic coaster to magnetise drinking water, the symptoms of IBS, depression, mood swings and chronic fatigue can be greatly reduced.

2. Wearing a super high strength magnetic bracelet (3,000 gauss/300 m tesla). The magnetic bracelet will also help to reduce depression, mood swings and chronic fatigue as well as improving the circulation and relieving hand pain. When used in-conjunction with drinking magnetic water the results will be much quicker.

3. Sleeping on a magnetic mattress pad. This is probably the single most beneficial treatment for fibromyalgia. The sheer strength of the magnetic field will relieve the painful symptoms from all around the body. Multiple pain points can all be eased with one device, plus the magnetic mattress when used in-conjunction with a magnetic pillow pad will also improve sleep, reduce migraine and tension headaches, reduce nerve pain and tingling and stabilise hormone levels.

Exposure to magnetic therapy products must be an ongoing treatment for those with fibromyalgia. The severity of the disease process does not allow for many periods of remission, as a result when the magnets are discontinued symptoms quickly return. It is for this reason that it is advocated that fibromyalgia sufferers sleep on a magnetic mattress pad on a permanent basis.

Debbie Shimadry is as an expert guest on magnetic therapy for BBC Radios and is also the managing director of leading

magnetic therapy company

If you are interested in natural pain relief visit the natural pain relief blog where expert magnetic therapists gives advice and information on how to use magnetic therapy effectively to improve your overall health and wellness.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Alternative Medicines and Therapies

Any medication or therapeutic procedure that does not, strictly speaking, fall under the group of normal medicine is generally referred to as alternative medicine, or alternative therapy. Alternative therapy differs from conventional therapies not only in origin, but also in practice. This method of therapy may be rooted in spiritual beliefs and folk traditions. Mainstream medical practitioners are still uncertain to recognize alternative health therapies basically because most of these methods up till now to be scientifically tested in order to guarantee their benefit and effectiveness. Due to the lack of confirmation regarding the efficacy of alternative therapy, several physicians prefer to call it non-evidence based medicine; or some refuse to recognize these alternative forms of medicine or therapy, as medical therapies at all. Medical professionals may adopt this form of therapy only if their safety and effectiveness is scientifically proven.

Tai chi for example, is a martial art, regularly resorted to as a form of alternative therapy in order to reduce high stress levels. Other forms of alternative therapy include reflexology, yoga, aromatherapy, naturopathy, Unani, Ayurveda, Chinese medicine, Homoeopathy and acupuncture, among a wide range of other treatments. Magnetic therapy is also a form of alternative therapy that uses static magnetic fields. A lot of medical practitioners are of the opinion that exposing certain parts of the body to such static magnetic fields helps in the improvement o adverse medical conditions. It is important to remember that the magnets used during magnetic therapy are of suitable magnitude in order to ensure that the do not affect the blood circulation in any way.

It is difficult to test the efficiency of the magnetic therapy simply because the magnetisms of an object can only be tested against iron. Consequently it is hard to explicitly describe the exact method in which the static magnetic field believed to be present, acts upon the area to be healed. The concept of magnetic therapy dates back to several centuries earlier. It is believed that Cleopatra wore magnetic jewelry because of its healing energies. This type of therapy has rapidly gained popularity in the last decade or so, and now it has become a thriving 100-dollar industry. Alternative therapists presently use magnets of standardized size and strength. One of the most generally used magnetic therapy products is the magnetic mattress pad, which is usually used to heal illnesses like insomnia, joint pain, muscle spasm, etc.

It isn't easy to trust alternative therapy because of the absence of a reassuring scientific base. Though, because of the growing popularity of methods like yoga, meditation, tai chi, etc., it can be assumed that such alternative methods of healing are greatly effective. Most of these alternative therapies are used in conjunction with conventional medication, and are often referred to as complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). Alternative therapy, mainly like magnetic therapy is naturally used to treat chronic ailments. While therapies like yoga, magnetic therapy and aromatherapy are considerably safe as they do not involve intake of medicine or any other substance, alternative forms of medicine like Ayurveda and Chinese medicine should preferably be taken along with mainstream medication only after consulting a qualified physician, in order to avoid possible side effects.

About the Author

Zahari Ibrahim A.K.A Zaharey the magnetic therapy user now is residing in Malaysia and who has used up a vast amount of researching the special ways for relieving pain. Find out why alternative therapy very good for you. Please visit: =>

Thursday, October 1, 2009

How Can You Find Quality Magnetic Therapy Products?

Do you want to try magnetic therapy products, but you don't want to get cheap ones that won't work effectively? There are many different quality magnetic therapy products that you can get. You just need to know where to find them and you need to remember that they will cost more than some of the other products available because they are of good quality. So, if you are willing to pay a little higher price for magnets for pain products to ensure that the products look good and work the most effectively for you, then here are the ways that you can use to find them. You will want to use more than one way and do your research before you decide what to get.One: Talk to your doctor because they can tell you the best place to go for getting products. They know which ones you want to use and which ones won't do you any good. Plus, you never want to use any magnetic healing products unless you have talked to your doctor first.
Two: The internet is the best place to find quality magnetic therapy products. You can find a lot of different magnetic therapy products online, but you have to take the time to go through all of the ones that you find before you decide what to get. There are so many different choices online that it will definitely take you some time to look.
You need to figure out which type of product you will need before you start looking online. In other words, do you need to have magnetic jewelry, a magnetic mattress pad or pillow pad, or another type. This will help you narrow down your search and save you a lot of time. Just don't rush your decision because if you do then you will not get the best one or most effective one for you.
Three: Another place you can look is at a local store near you, if there are any that has magnet pain relief products. You will have to research in your local area to find these places.
These are the best ways for you to find quality magnetic therapy products that will look good and be the most effective for relieving your pain. So, get started today and start searching until you find the one that you want the most and that will help you the most. Don't rush your decision and before you know it you will find that you are living with a lot less pain than you normally do.

About the AuthorZahari Ibrahim A.K.A Zaharey the magnetic therapy user now is residing in Malaysia and who has used up a vast amount of researching the special ways for relieving pain. Find out why magnetic therapy very good for you. Please visit: =>

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Magnetic Sleeping Therapy at Home

Many users of magnetic mattresses and pads have claimed to have benefited from a good night sleep that has been deprived from them for a long time. Such a mattress contains many small embedded magnets that generate a fascinating field enveloping the person sleeping on it. If you like to try the enhanced sleep therapy of magnetic mattresses but your existing one is working fine, you can simply buy a magnetic mattress pad and lay it on top of your bed. These pads hold the same type of magnets and produce the same healing force field. One good advantage of these cheaper mattress magnetic pads is that they work as well as more pricey beds.

Before you start out to buy a cheap mattress with magnetic properties, be careful if you have installed a pacemaker or other electronic implants. In such cases, do not use a magnetic mattress or you may endanger your life needlessly. A magnetic mattress/pad is on average at least 2 inches thick and contains nearly 300 magnets sewn on the inside. This is a laborious course of action and that is why they can cost among $200 to $2,000, depending on the quality of magnets used (rare earth or man made lithium), number of magnets used and the brand. A reputable branded mattress is more likely to have the magnets properly held in place within the mattress, and this may cost more to make. They are also less likely to have bumps in the mattress foam that may felt by the individual sleeping on it.

A perfectly constructed magnetic mattress creates a piquant North/South electrostatic field about the mattress in order to realign the ions and radicals free flowing inside the human body. This is said to have noteworthy special effects on sleeplessness, muscle aches, fibromyalgia, arthritis, stress etc. While evidences are still not conclusive over all the fascinating claims of these smart mattresses, there are no major cases of negative effects on the test subjects. If you have heard of someone that have used a magnetic mattress or pad for a while, you can try asking whether their sleeping experience has improved. Do they get pain throughout the neck, bear, back, or lower limb areas and how has these areas improved?

Many individuals lose sleep when they are awakened in the middle of the night due to frequent pain conditions but they may not be even aware of their sleeping disorders caused by cheaper mattresses. The only tell tale sign is when they wake up in the morning feeling like they have just worked overtime through the night even when they have just "slept" for more than 7 hours. Buying the smart mattress with right therapeutic healing properties at may help reduce some of these painful tinges and aches as well as help quicken curing and make you sleep deeper.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Health Claims For Bio-Magnetic Therapy


The medical applications of magnetism are no longer just relegated to such things as high tech diagnostic devices, like the MRI, and magnetic dental implants. The health claims attributed to magnets have many people donning magnetic jewelry, "sports magnets" and other forms of "bio-magnets." Some studies have indicated that bio-magnetic therapy may provide an alternative form of therapy for injuries.

There has recently been a resurgence of interest in using the basic principles of magnetism to treat pain and discomfort. Various athletes wear flexible coated magnets in lumbar supports, in knee braces, wrist bands, elbow supports, ankle supports, sewn into clothing or in their shoes. These flexible magnets are very popular with golfers and can be found in many pro-shops. Magnetic bracelets are also very popular but generally make no specific health claims. There are even "whole body" magnet kits for sale that include a variety of flexible and wrap-around magnets for any part of the body! Some people sew flexible magnets into clothing to wear while exercising or training. But be careful wearing magnets, of any type, during contact sports could cause injury to you, your teammate or your opponent.

Magnet therapy dates back to the time of Plato when they were used to treat muscle spasms and gout. During the middle Ages, people placed magnets on the skin in an attempt to "attract diseases out of the body". Today magnets are theoretically used to affect red blood cells (which contain iron) as they respond to a magnetic field causing the cells to become more active. Supposedly, more active red blood cells use more oxygen thereby causing a more rapid healing. Bio Magnetics International claims that magnetic therapy causes a quicker removal of lactic acid from overworked muscles, resulting in a faster recovery time, and a change in the migration of calcium ions that aid in the removal of toxins from arthritic joints. The magnet's negative pole (N pole) appears to contain the healing energy. Negative electromagnetic fields appear necessary for healing to take place.

Medical claims include: temporarily relieving pain and stiffness, helping to heal bone fractures, treat "restless leg syndrome", treat severe depression (replacing electroconvulsive treatment) and to assist in the "maintenance" of peripheral blood flow. Magnets have also been shown to decrease pain in diabetic peripheral neuropathy and post-polio pain, but pain returned when magnetic therapy was discontinued. There are also on-going studies using magnetism for the treatment of fibromyalgia. Some sources suggest that more than 70% of those who tried biomagnetic products have found some level of improvement for their condition. Around the world, magnetic-pulse therapy is used to treat thoroughbred horses with leg and spine injuries.

Research has shown that when charged particles pass through a magnetic field perpendicularly, they generate an alternating current that generates heat, expands blood vessels and increases blood flow with increased oxygen and nutrients to heal an injured site. Although magnet therapy may help to relieve pain and discomfort, it is not an accepted medical treatment and a medical doctor should be consulted for any serious condition. More controlled studies are needed to determine the best strengths of magnets and to determine any dangers or side effects.

If you decide to try magnet therapy, choose a magnet with its strength labeled. A magnet's strength is measured in gauss. The higher the number the stronger the magnet: usually 300 to 500 gauss. Your favorite magnet on the fridge is about 60 gauss!

The jury is still out on determining the optimal magnetic field for specific medical conditions. When more studies are done, you'll know whether your magnet is too weak, too strong or just right for your condition.

Note: A physician should be consulted prior to using magnets and to rule out possible medical conditions. Don't stop any treatment that you are on without the consent of your physician. Make sure your physician is aware of any shrapnel or surgical screws and pins in your body. Don't use magnets at the same time as you use an electric blanket or electric heating pad. Magnets should not be used around a pacemaker or implant or if pregnant.

Mr. Klemens is an accomplished author, writer, and practicing pharmacist. He has authored a book on integrative medicine (Mountains and Rivers: Complementing your Healthcare with Alternative Medicine, ISBN: 1-4033-8672-2) and numerous articles in local, national, and international magazines, and web sites. Topics include integrative medicine, Oriental medicine, herbs and supplements, health and fitness, Scottish culture, and leadership and ethics. He is also listed in the Marquis Who's Who in America, a member of Clan Gregor, and is a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.

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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Magnetic Mattress Pads - Therapy While You Sleep

Imagine being able to have physical therapy whenever you want, even when you're asleep? This is possible and not just for those people who have large amounts of money. This is possible if you have a magnetic mattress pad. These pads are new innovations that will provide you with the magnetic therapy that will benefit you in so many ways. These mattress pads will lie on top of your mattress and never need to be charged and they don't ever need maintenance.

You may ask how something that doesn't require you to do a lot of upkeep work can give you so many benefits and how these mattress pads can be distributed for such reasonable prices when they are so beneficial. These magnetic mattress pads provide you with high quality magnetic therapy while you are lying on them. This means that while you are sleeping on it each night the mattress pad is helping to alleviate the pain associated with certain diseases.

The pad is filled with powerful magnets set out in a pattern that has been determined to provide you with the utmost magnetic therapy. These magnets are covered with damask as well as a layer of foam to ensure that you do not have your night's sleep interrupted by the pain of sleeping on hard magnets. The magnets are orientated towards bio-north and are of a powerful enough gauss to positively affect the delicate bio-environment that is your body.

The magnetic therapy that you magnetic mattress pads provide will benefit you by helping to raise the speed of blood circulation and raising the level of oxygen in the blood. This is believed to help slow the aging since it is caused by the process of oxidization. The mattress pads are also believed to help arthritis by preventing the built up of calcium deposits.

The magnetic therapy helps with pain relief because when the rate of blood circulation rises it can become more effective in flushing away the toxins in your body that are causing the pain you are experiencing. An additional benefit is that because the toxins are being flushed away more effectively the level of your health can gradually increase as your body eliminates the toxins from your body. You body can then begin to function at closer to optimal level since it is not concentrating on eliminating the constant build up of toxins in your blood stream and else where in your body.

The increase in oxygen levels in your blood can give you more energy as the more oxygenated is distributed to the tissues and muscles in your body. This can lead to enhanced mental performance and awareness as well as increased physical performance by the increasing of your energy levels. Sleeping on magnetic mattress pads can help you to get a deep, refreshing night's sleep every night and can help you to wake up in the morning feeling energized and healthy.

All magnetic mattress information has been researched and written by Juliette Pickup. Magnetic Mattress Pads

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Magnetic Therapy Gives Pain Relief

The idea of using magnetic therapy for therapeutic purposes started thousands of years ago in Greece. It can increase blood flow and increase the oxygen level in the body, which will alleviate the pain in the treated area. So it shouldn't come as a surprise that athletes such as Bill Romanowski and Steve Atwater have resorted to magnetic therapy to get some pain relief. The American public has also decided to use this alternative, non-invasive healing technique. One out of 1,000 American homes use magnetic therapeutic products. Companies that sell magnetic therapeutic products say that American consumers will spend more than $500 million on these items this year. Some athletes are even endorsing brand-name magnetic therapeutic products. The use of these products is even more popular in other parts of the world. One out of 7 Japanese homes and 1 out of 10 German homes use these products. There are many magnetic products available that can treat many conditions. A magnetic mattress pad can provide relief from insomnia, joint pain, muscle spasm and fibromyalgia. Magnetic insoles can alleviate painful inflammation resulting from bone spurs. Magnetic wraps can be used to relieve lower back pain, arthritic joints and inflamed tendons. Magnetic bracelets can be used to help with carpal tunnel syndrome. There have been studies that indicate that there are positive benefits to using magnetic therapy.

At the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, a double blind study was conducted to determine the effects of authentic magnetic devices and placebo devices on the knee pain of 50 adult patients. The knee pain was attributed to the poliovirus they contracted when they were kids. This study concluded that the 29 patients who used the authentic magnetic devices had a greater reduction in pain than the 21 patients who used the placebo devices.

In the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine there was a study conducted by researchers at the University of Virginia that looked into the effectiveness of magnetic therapy on patients suffering from fibromyalgia pain. People with fibromyalgia suffer from musculoskeletal pain, fatigue and multiple tender points. Two percent of the population suffers from fibromyalgia. The 6-month study was conducted on 94 patients suffering from fibromyalgia to test the effectiveness of magnetic sleep pads. They were randomly placed into 4 groups. The first group used sleep pads with fake magnets. Another group was asked to stick to their normal treatment routine that didn't involve magnetic therapy. A third group used magnetic sleep pads that exposed their entire body to a low, uniform magnetic field. The last group used magnetic sleep pads that used magnets that varied in intensity. At the end of the 6 month study, it was determined that the two groups that used magnetic therapy did show improvement in outcome scores of pain intensity level, number of tender points on the body and functional status. The other two groups did not show the same type of improvement.

Researchers from the Peninsula Medical School conducted a magnetic therapy study on 194 patients with osteoarthritis of the hip or knee. For 12 weeks, these test subjects were required to wear either a standard magnetic bracelet, a weak magnetic bracelet, or a non-magnetic bracelet. The standard magnetic group had a reduction in pain that was not matched by the other two groups. The results for the non-magnetic and weak magnet groups were similar. These results indicate that the magnetic strength of the bracelet is also important.

But as of today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not yet approved of magnetic therapy.

Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Magnetic Therapy

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