Tai chi for example, is a martial art, regularly resorted to as a form of alternative therapy in order to reduce high stress levels. Other forms of alternative therapy include reflexology, yoga, aromatherapy, naturopathy, Unani, Ayurveda, Chinese medicine, Homoeopathy and acupuncture, among a wide range of other treatments. Magnetic therapy is also a form of alternative therapy that uses static magnetic fields. A lot of medical practitioners are of the opinion that exposing certain parts of the body to such static magnetic fields helps in the improvement o adverse medical conditions. It is important to remember that the magnets used during magnetic therapy are of suitable magnitude in order to ensure that the do not affect the blood circulation in any way.
It is difficult to test the efficiency of the magnetic therapy simply because the magnetisms of an object can only be tested against iron. Consequently it is hard to explicitly describe the exact method in which the static magnetic field believed to be present, acts upon the area to be healed. The concept of magnetic therapy dates back to several centuries earlier. It is believed that Cleopatra wore magnetic jewelry because of its healing energies. This type of therapy has rapidly gained popularity in the last decade or so, and now it has become a thriving 100-dollar industry. Alternative therapists presently use magnets of standardized size and strength. One of the most generally used magnetic therapy products is the magnetic mattress pad, which is usually used to heal illnesses like insomnia, joint pain, muscle spasm, etc.
It isn't easy to trust alternative therapy because of the absence of a reassuring scientific base. Though, because of the growing popularity of methods like yoga, meditation, tai chi, etc., it can be assumed that such alternative methods of healing are greatly effective. Most of these alternative therapies are used in conjunction with conventional medication, and are often referred to as complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). Alternative therapy, mainly like magnetic therapy is naturally used to treat chronic ailments. While therapies like yoga, magnetic therapy and aromatherapy are considerably safe as they do not involve intake of medicine or any other substance, alternative forms of medicine like Ayurveda and Chinese medicine should preferably be taken along with mainstream medication only after consulting a qualified physician, in order to avoid possible side effects.
About the Author
Zahari Ibrahim A.K.A Zaharey the magnetic therapy user now is residing in Malaysia and who has used up a vast amount of researching the special ways for relieving pain. Find out why alternative therapy very good for you. Please visit: => http://www.magnetic-therapy-greatness.com/alternative-therapy.html